Welcome to the SBG Board of Advisors Portal

This portal will provide all State Botanical Garden Board Members a single location to find board related information, register for upcoming events and pay dues and event sponsorships.

If you are visiting the portal to gain access to registrations you have made or to see documents associated with a meeting or registration, please click the participant login in the top right corner of the screen.

Your username is your primary email address associated with garden communications. If you do not know your password, please use the forgot password tool on the login page.

If this is your first time visiting this page, please contact Kimberly Futrell (kimparks@uga.edu) or James Gilstrap (jgil2@uga.edu) to make sure your account has been created and associated with the Board of Advisors Account.

Common Documents For our Board

Current Board Directory Committee Descriptions & Membership Nomination Form Garden Talking Points
Board Directory Update Form Lifetime Membership Application Bylaws  


Registration Options available to our Board of Advisors

To view the description, dates and times offered, and additional information about a course, click the course name below.

Required fields are indicated by .