
Grasses are the most economically and ecologically important plant family, but most of us know very little about them and fewer still know how to identify grasses. In this class, we will learn to recognize common fall-flowering grass species of the Georgia Piedmont. During the first half of the class, we will dissect grass plants to learn the basic structures that are useful for identification in the field. The last two hours of the class will be spent in the field examining a variety of native and exotic grasses. Be sure to bring a hand lens if you have one.

This class is an elective course for the Certificate in Native Plants.


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Warm-Season Grasses of the Georgia Piedmont
In Person
9:00AM to 1:00PM
Oct 18, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • State Botanical Garden of Georgia Locations
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Section Notes

Warm-Season Grasses of the Georgia Piedmont
Saturday, Oct. 18
9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 
Zach Wood, grasslands coordinator, State Botanical Garden of Georgia
State Botanical Garden Visitor Center, classroom 2

Grasses are the most economically and ecologically important plant family, but most of us know very little about them and fewer still know how to identify grasses. In this class, we will learn to recognize common fall-flowering grass species of the Georgia Piedmont. During the first half of the class, we will dissect grass plants to learn the basic structures that are useful for identification in the field. The last two hours of the class will be spent in the field examining a variety of native and exotic grasses. Be sure to bring a hand lens if you have one.

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