
This 10-hour course will teach you how to translate your research findings into reports and presentations that grab your audience’s attention, address the business decision your client needs to make, and offer sound and useful recommendations. Go here for more details.
Click the + to expand sections to see the available dates and times below.
Section Title
Communicating Research Results
Start Now, you have 30 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
AMAI (Mexico) Discount Fee $329.00
Canadian Research Insights Council Discounted Fee $329.00
ESOMAR Association Discount Fee $329.00
Insights Association Discount Fee $329.00
Intellus Worldwide Association Discount Fee $329.00
MRII or MMR Board Discount Fee $329.00
QRCA Discount Fee $329.00
Standard Registration Fee $359.00
The Research Society Association Discount Fee $329.00
WAPOR (Latinoamérica) Discount Fee $329.00
Section Notes
For more details, go here. Be sure to view the "More Information" links (they are often missed!).
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