
Join us for a free webinar to learn how to create bird-friendly landscapes and inspire environmental wonder and stewardship in your coastal community.  EcoScapes Sustainable Land Use Program Manager Keren Giovengo will talk about the relationships between native plants and insects, the importance of insects to birds, and ways you can improve your landscapes to encourage birds and other wildlife. By creating a native plant garden, your patch of habitat can become part of a larger, collective effort to nurture and sustain living landscapes for birds and other animals.  

To request captioning services for this event, contact Public Programs Coordinator, Kayla Clark, at kayla270@uga.edu or 912-598-3345 by January 7.  

This webinar counts towards the Coastal Stewards Program. The Coastal Stewards program is designed to engage adults in activities that to improve their knowledge of coastal ecosystems, enhance understanding of current issues impacting coastal communities, and inspire stewardship of natural resources. Each program contains a mixture of lecture, lab and field activities using scientific and recreational equipment. 

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