
Learn about the movement of water in our oceans by tuning into a presentation by Erika Gainey, a student at College of Charleston. Gainey will talk about her experience as a marine geologist. Geology is the study of Earth, and all the processes that make our planet function and look the way it does today, and has throughout history.  Learn about the technology, equipment, science, and practices geologists use as they work with water in the field through real life examples from Erika’s research in both marine and hydrogeology.  

This program is designed for children in grades 4-7 and will consist of a lecture-based presentation with interactive components, demonstrations, and a safe experiment you can do at home. 

To request captioning services for this event, contact Public Programs Coordinator, Kayla Clark at kayla270@uga.edu or 912-598-3345 by January 8. 

Unfortunately, This course is currently unavailable, if you have any questions, please return to the Directory listing on our website.
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