
What can students do on a school day off? Come to the State Botanical Garden of Georgia for a Circular STEM Day! Kids from 3rd-8th grade will explore nature and discover its genius and inspiration. After seeing nature up-close in the garden, they will create and build things that eliminate waste and pollution, use materials in new ways and regenerate nature. This STEM Day is called Glide to Safety: Inspired by plants and animals, we will create a way to keep people safe in a disaster.

The same program will be offered on two dates this spring:

Thursday, March 13, 2025, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Monday, April 7, 2025, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Cost: $50

Grades: 3rd-8th

Please register 2 days in advance of the desired date.

This program is a partnership with the South Carolina Botanical Garden at Clemson University and Circular STEM.

Click the + to expand sections to see the available dates and times below.


Select Single Registration to register a single participant or choose Reserve Seats to register multiple participants

Section Title
March STEM Fun Day - Glide to Safety
In Person
8:30AM to 3:00PM
Mar 13, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • State Botanical Garden of Georgia Locations
Course Fee(s)
Registration $50.00
Section Notes

What can students do on a school day off? Come to the State Botanical Garden of Georgia for a Circular STEM Day! Kids in 3rd-8th grade will explore nature and discover its genius and inspiration. After seeing nature up-close in the garden, they will create and build things that eliminate waste and pollution, use materials in new ways and regenerate nature. This STEM Day is called Glide to Safety: Inspired by plants and animals, we will create a way to keep people safe in a disaster.


Select Single Registration to register a single participant or choose Reserve Seats to register multiple participants

Section Title
April STEM Fun Day - Glide to Safety
In Person
8:30AM to 3:00PM
Apr 07, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • State Botanical Garden of Georgia Locations
Course Fee(s)
Registration $50.00
Section Notes

What can students do on a school day off? Come to the State Botanical Garden of Georgia for a Circular STEM Day! Kids in 3rd-8th grade will explore nature and discover its genius and inspiration. After seeing nature up-close in the garden, they will create and build things that eliminate waste and pollution, use materials in new ways and regenerate nature. This STEM Day is called Glide to Safety: Inspired by plants and animals, we will create a way to keep people safe in a disaster.

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