
This workshop focuses on the effective use of all types of plant material. This full-day workshop takes an artistic approach centering on how to combine form, texture and color. How to create and manipulate visual energy is a central theme as well. Students use the paradigm of block design to create stunning combinations. The course also teaches how to draw in a realistic elevation view to help communicate your ideas. Finally, the workshop provides research-based knowledge on soil preparation for herbaceous and woody plants.

Drafting supplies will be provided to you as part of this class to create your designs.

Please note that you must register for all four Certificate in Sustainable Design workshops (see link below). You may only register for an individual workshop with prior permission. 
If you have questions regarding this, please contact Emory Perry at eperry@uga.edu.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Click the + to expand sections to see the available dates and times below.
Section Title
Planting Design for the Sustainable Landscape
In Person
9:00AM to 4:30PM
May 21, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • State Botanical Garden of Georgia Locations
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Section Notes

This workshop focuses on the effective use of all types of plant material. This full-day workshop takes an artistic approach centering on how to combine form, texture and color. How to create and manipulate visual energy is a central theme as well. Students use the paradigm of block design to create stunning combinations. The course also teaches how to draw in a realistic elevation view to help communicate your ideas. Finally, the workshop provides research-based knowledge on soil preparation for herbaceous and woody plants.

Drafting supplies will be provided to you as part of this class to create your designs.

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