
There are multiple sections for this course. Please ensure you are registering for the correct section.
  • 006 - Sept. 28th at Gaskins Forest Education Center
  • 007 - Oct. 5th at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia 

Please see section details for course descriptions.

This class is an elective course for the Certificate in Native Plants.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Click the + to expand sections to see the available dates and times below.
Section Title
Managing Invasive Plants
In Person
9:00AM to 1:00PM
Sep 28, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • State Botanical Garden of Georgia Locations
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Section Notes

Managing Invasive Plants

Whether you are managing your home garden, a public outdoor center, or natural ecosystems, you will need to deal with invasive plants. Once you have learned to identify these plants, it is a challenge to decide which plants to target with limited time and resources. Management considerations include general strategies for early detection, treatment and post-treatment monitoring. Strategies for targeting individual species depend on the ecosystem, the plant growth and behavior, the phenology of flowering and fruiting, as well as weather and environmental considerations. Bring your own concerns about problem species to the course (along with a list of native species present) so you can develop your own action plan.

Please note that this class is located outside of the Athens area.


Section Title
Plants We Love to Hate: Identifying and Controlling Non-native Invasive Pest Plants
In Person
9:00AM to 3:00PM
Oct 05, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • State Botanical Garden of Georgia Locations
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Section Notes

Plants We Love to Hate: Identifying and Controlling Non-native Invasive Pest Plants

This workshop is an introduction to identification and control of invasive, non-native pest plants. Students will learn about the major “offenders” in the Georgia Piedmont and how these plants cause ecological harm to native plant communities and wildlife. The class will also focus on habitat restoration through management and control of invasive plants. A variety of control methods will be outlined, including description of tools, techniques, and detailed strategies for some of the high-priority species.

The lecture portion of this class will be until 12:30 p.m. followed by a break and optional outdoor field study.

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