
County commissioners are frequently required to interact with other governments and government officials.  This advanced course is designed to help foster an understanding of processes (formal and informal) relevant to federal and state relations from the local government perspective.  The course will begin by breaking down the basics of state government.  Participants will learn about the roles and responsibilities of the different branches of government.  The course will provide background information on state government agencies, and where they fit in to the overall government structure.  Participants will also explore the state’s legislative process, with specific attention paid to the state’s budget process. The course will also introduce participants to the state offices of Georgia’s Congressional Delegation, and discuss how those offices commonly assist county officials.  Participants will be given an opportunity to interact with several state and federal officials, with an opportunity to ask questions about how the different levels of government can communicate with each other.  The other courses in the Intergovernmental Relations specialty track are:  Building Your City-County Relations; Conflict Resolution: Constitutional Officers; Crisis Management; Negotiation and Mediation; Regional Cooperation; and Working with School Board, Authorities and Other Partners.

Learner Outcomes

• Have the ability to understand all levels of government and what can be achieved from each
• Ability to contact HR and senators
• Know who’s who in each office
• How to impact policy that ultimately affects your community/role/job
• Develop and improve relationships with state and federal representatives


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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