
The law of real property is one of the basic law school courses and is a must for paralegals in a business law firm. Here we examine the system of common law property, the recording acts, conveyancing, mortgaging, landlord-tenant and financing. We cover the subjects every paralegal should know about land transactions and the documents that record the purchase, sale and leasing of real estate. Besides buyer-seller issues, the student should be able to deal with title insurance companies and recorders of deeds, and be able to recognize land finance subjects. Finally, we deal with foreclosure of mortgages and the possibility of redeeming a mortgage that has gone into default. Learn more


Successful completion of the core Paralegal Certificate Course, or the equivalent, or law office experience.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Advanced Paralegal: Real Property Law [June 2024]
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee $550.00
Section Notes

In order to receive the UGA Advanced Paralegal Certificate, you must successfully complete six (6) Advanced Paralegal courses/topics within one year. You are not allowed to take more than three (3) courses per session.

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