
This advanced course will look at the relationship between Georgia’s cities and counties. The legal requirements of each will be explained and the differences identified. The various instruments and vehicles that offer or require opportunities for cooperation will be outlined, and the purpose and requirements of the Service Delivery Strategy Act will be discussed. Annexation and consolidation will be updated, and the importance of building relationships – government to government and official to official – will be explored.  This course is offered in the Intergovernmental Relations special track which also includes: Conflict Resolution; Constitutional Officers; Crisis Management; Federal and State Relations; Negotiation and Mediation; Regional Cooperation and Working with School Boards, Authorities, and Other Partners.

Course Outline

• Learn why counties must work with cities, why it can’t be avoided, and why cities and counties need each other
• Your success as a county commissioner depends upon good working relationships with cities, and most successful commissioners have a good working relationship
• Learn a framework and process for building successful working relationships

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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