
This intensive class is designed to give students an appreciation of the importance of the allocation of water resources in the American West. Participants will learn of the common law and civil law approaches to the distribution of water in arid regions, the transportation of water from one basin to another, and a hierarchy of competing uses for the water. Water was first viewed as an instrumentality of transportation (and the main impetus behind junking the Articles of Confederation in favor of the Constitution), later as power for industry, irrigation for agriculture, and the water resource behind the growth of cities of the American West. Las Vegas and Phoenix, for example, would have been mere refueling stations on the transcontinental railroads were it not for massive water projects to make the desert bloom. Special emphasis will be given to Colorado’s unique system of water courts and water judges. Although this course is concerned with U.S. water law, the student will also recognize the importance of the free flow of water between the U.S. and its continental neighbors, Canada, and Mexico. Learn more


Successful completion of the core Paralegal Certificate Course, or the equivalent, or law office experience.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Advanced Paralegal: Water Law [June 2024]
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee $550.00
Section Notes

In order to receive the UGA Advanced Paralegal Certificate, you must successfully complete six (6) Advanced Paralegal courses/topics within one year. You are not allowed to take more than three (3) courses per session.

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