
The Advanced Paralegal: eDiscovery topic is an introductory course for people entering the eDiscovery field, as well as professionals wanting to broaden their knowledge of the eDiscovery process. This 7-week course covers the entire eDiscovery process, from preparation to collection to review of Electronically Stored Information (ESI). Throughout the 17 online modules and tests, learners will progress through the basics of eDiscovery preparation, best practices for ESI collection and, finally, the review process. The course is supplemented with a comprehensive textbook that covers most relevant eDiscovery topics. Learn more


Successful completion of the core Paralegal Certificate Course, or the equivalent, or law office experience.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Advanced Paralegal: e-Discovery [June 2024]
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee $550.00
Section Notes

In order to receive the UGA Advanced Paralegal Certificate, you must successfully complete six (6) Advanced Paralegal courses/topics within one year. You are not allowed to take more than three (3) courses per session.

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