
This course examines the law and practice of business organizations, plus the paralegal’s potential functions in this area of law. It begins with an examination of basic agency law, followed by a study of the fundamental structure and most important legal doctrines relating to general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, small closely-held corporations and large publicly traded corporations. Learn more

Business law is not, in itself, a field of law. Rather, it is the study of how civil (and sometimes criminal) law affects the operation of businesses. Any study of business is increasingly concerned with the legal environment. This course is designed to provide paralegals with the information they need to work under the supervision of counsel in the legal department of a corporation or to assist attorneys that specialize in providing counsel to businesses. It also provides the general public with knowledge of the legal environment in which businesses operate.


Successful completion of the core Paralegal Certificate Course, or the equivalent, or law office experience.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Advanced Paralegal: Business Law and Practices [June 2024]
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee $550.00
Section Notes

In order to receive the UGA Advanced Paralegal Certificate, you must successfully complete six (6) Advanced Paralegal courses/topics within one year. You are not allowed to take more than three (3) courses per session.

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