
In this exciting, hands-on program, you’ll become part of a film crew that gets to write, direct and produce an original movie! Each crew will work with experienced filmmakers to learn the basics of screenwriting, storyboarding, camera angles, acting, and directing, as they create their own short digital movie. Students will also have the opportunity to learn the basics of video editing as they prepare their final project in this weekend intensive. After the camp, all students will be provided with access to a downloadable version of the films, so they can share their work with family and friends.

Ages: 11-15

Learner Outcomes

  1. Create animations and test the various types of stop motion animation, such as clay, paper, figurines, etc.
  2. Explore educational options and career paths in animation
  3. Learn about how animation started and how stop motion led to the digital animation that we’re familiar with today

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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