
Tax decisions are among the biggest decisions commissioners will make. Revenue and Tax Policy, a specialty track course, will expose county commissioners to the concepts and practice of evaluating and developing revenue and tax policy particularly as they relate to critical areas such as land use, service delivery, and the budget.  Small group activities will be used to focus on the topics of taxation, revenue, decision making, tax choices, and tax impacts. Participants will also learn about available resources and strategies for gaining public support and communicating tax policy and priorities to the community. It is strongly recommended that participants will have taken the core course Property Appraisal and Taxation before enrolling in this one. Revenue and Tax Policy is part of the Revenue and Finance specialty track which includes seven other courses.  These are: Budgeting for Long-term Fiscal Sustainability, Debt Financing, Developing Financial Policies, Efficiencies in County Finance, Federal and State budgeting, Intergovernmental Agreements and Private Partnerships, and The County Audit Process.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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