
Every community has complicated issues that impact its citizens and society. Learning to address, identify, engage, and collaborate with all parties in a search for viable solutions is a vital part of your role in addressing complex community issues. During this advanced course, county commissioners will: understand better how and why to involve and engage the community, including people who are not often seen or heard; see bringing people together as the beginning of citizen engagement and community building, not the end; and understand the importance of listening, helping others listen, hearing all of the voices, building collective wisdom, and appreciating that we can always learn something from others.  This advanced course is part of the Quality of Life/Social Issues specialty track. The other courses in this track are:  Demographics and Diverse Perspectives; Arts, Culture and Tourism; Health and Wellness; Funding Community Enhancements; Parks, Recreation, and Active Living; Public Health; and Building Sustainable Communities.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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