
How many times have you found yourself trying to bring parties together to find common ground on an agreement, application, policy or study? County staff can play an important facilitative role to encourage agencies, community groups, neighborhoods and others to have a conversation to problem solve and seek solutions together. Facilitation skills are a powerful leadership practice – particularly when you don’t have formal authority to work through adaptive challenges or difficult problems. Whether you facilitate teams, inter-departmental or public meetings, or virtually any group…the skills from this class will be of value. This workshop introduces the basics of facilitation and provides participants with a wide range of hands-on practices and techniques. Come prepared to try your hand at group facilitation!

Learner Outcomes

  • Know how and why to bring divergent groups together, including people who are not often heard or involved
  • Understand that we don’t know it all
  • See how bringing people together is the beginning of the citizen engagement and community building process, not the end
  • Play a facilitative leadership role, but not necessarily be a facilitator
  • Be an active and engaged participant who can empower others to become involved
  • Be able to change my mind and be ok with that
  • Create followership
  • Become more comfortable engaging diverse groups and addressing difficult issues

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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